The number “00” has many meanings, for Mr. Bond it means “License to kill.” With Beluga caviar, it means medium gray color. Invest in yourself, discover the finer aspects of life, learn about caviar and develop your discerning taste. Take the next correct step and enroll.
Acquire the pragmatic skills to appreciate between the timeless classics of Brandy and Cognac, their magical flavor profiles, different styles and become a connoisseur. Start your course today.
There are those, that loudly claim to know but in reality, know nothing and then, there are those who really know. They are silent, calm and stunningly informed. Which one are you? Cigars demand to be known for their style, size, flavour and pairing. Are you a cognoscenti, if not that’s perfectly fine, learn and then become one of the…
The trees gently sway to the romantic rhythm of the summer wind. Underneath the tree, a couple enjoy their truffles and sparkling wine. Fresh truffles are not available all year round, only at certain times like romance. Be a romantic and share the love of your caviar knowledge with others. See you on the course.
Never one to question General Napoleon’s Champagne taste, who said, “In victory we celebrate with it and in defeat we need it.” Understand the differences in sparkling wine, know the pairing and makings and become an aficionado of fine taste. Wishing you a bubbly course.
Goooooooooaaallll! Maradona strikes again! Famous for their football Argentina is also the world’s custodian for Malbec wine. Come and join us as we are captivated by the different wine regions and grapes. Deep, charming and stunning with vibrancy the people of this spectacular country offer life with purpose.
South East Australia is an enormous landmass that produces memorable wines all of varieties and colors. The fortitude and determined character of Australians has propelled them to attain world wine giant status. Know how, when and why their products are unbeatable, the majority of the wines are, singing to the tune of Waltzing Matilda. See you at the wine course…
Known for its pristine and priceless beauty, but unknown for its charming deserts, and the world class wine community. The “True North” leads Icewine production globally and challenges the global wine makers with non-icewine products. The red and white wines are supremely of high quality and heritage. Come learn from this very detailed course and be surprised, we are so…
Investments make a gigantic difference and Chile is an example of well invested funds into the wine industry. It is hard not to be hypnotized by the diverse geography and wines offered from Chile. Asado is synonymous with the gracious hearts of the people of Chile. Let us share some culture and wine knowledge together.
Two centuries ago, Napoleon said, “China is a sleeping lion. Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world." That time has come and proudly China steps into the wine arena with wines spanning the breadth of this great country from West to East, North and South. It has taken time, China is more well known for…
An enduring and dominant wine colossus, France stands fiercely and rightly proud of its achievements and gifts to the wine and culinary world. This course must be studied for any serious wine student, as French wine is the spinal cord of many wine menus over the world. Their prestige demands knowledge, know why they don’t name the grape varietals in…
Teutonic innovation and hard determination allow this country to produce the world standard for Riesling in the Northern most located wine making region of the world. Other hidden gems are waiting to be discovered by you when you take the autobahn of wine courses. Willkommen.