Cigars Specialist


There are those, that loudly claim to know but in reality, know nothing and then, there are those who really know. They are silent, calm and stunningly informed. Which one are you? Cigars demand to be known for their style, size, flavour and pairing. Are you a cognoscenti, if not that’s perfectly fine, learn and then become one of the those that do really know?

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Hmmm, would you be kind enough to select the Parejo, Corona 5.5-6 inches with a 52/64 gauge. The wrapper to be a Connecticut and color preferred a Maduro and naturally, an 18-year-old Single Malt aged in a Pedro Ximenz Cask, thank you kindly. If any part of that conversation is something you would like to be more knowledgeable about, then the cigar course is the solution for you.

Many occasions are celebrated with a cigar, important births, celebration, weddings and for moments of reflection and relaxation cigars are part of that very personal experience. This course is a well researched in-depth course that takes you through the interesting history, stunning geography from Cuba to Honduras and beyond, the impact of soils and the making of cigars to pairing, how to light and store cigars. It is comprehensive as it is flavorful.

Next time you are asked Cuban or non-Cuban cigar there will be an absence of a vacuous silence replaced with a stunning display of confidence expressed by you. No longer will you be shying away when you enter the cigar establishments, instead you will be the enlightened one.

We welcome you to take the course and reflect well on one of the historical pleasures enjoy ed by so many.

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